is the first music distribution service world wide offering 7 days payout 🎉

Unlock 7 Day Quick Pay 💸

Availabel for Premium Plan Users

How does it work?



Join, make sure to
submit your correct data like firstname & lastname
we might verify your provided data in order to grant
you access to nextfly Quick Pay.


Publish Music

Simply publish music like you used to do it,
if you need help with the upload process
please dont hesitate to reach out to our
support team.


Apply for Quick Pay

Head over to Quick Pay, here you can
Apply for our Quick Pay Programm.
This is only available for our Premium users.

Quick Pay Application

Only Premium Users can Apply for Quick Pay

Our Team will check your application including:
 – Streaming Analytics
 – Legal Data (Names, Adresses, Payout Methods)
 – Social Media Accounts
 – Streaming History

You will get an feedback about your application within 1-7 days.

Once out team accepted your request, we will update your wallet balance every 7 Days on Monday.

Requirements and Rules

If you uploaded Copyrighted Material in the Past you CAN’T Apply for Quick Pay

If you use fake name, address, VPN etc. you CAN’T Apply for Quick Pay

If your account is involved into fake streams, you CAN’T Apply

If we detect any breach of nextfly or third party terms of services, you CAN’T Apply

Only Premium Users Can Apply

Only ID Verified Users Can Apply

Understanding Quick Pay Royalties: 

How Our Algorithm Calculates Your Early Royalty Payments

Your Quick Pay Royalties are not 100% accurate,
they are usually lower then the final Royalties to protect us from financial loss.


Once we got an report from Streaming Stores we will deduct the Quick Pay Royalties
from the Final Royalties and add those into your wallet on a monthly basis.



We developed an algorithm calculating your Quick Pay Royalties like this example:



Last Month Report Spotify: 1000 German Spotify Premium Streams = $3.3


$3.3 / 1000 = $0.0033/Stream


Your Quick Pay Example:
Spotify German Premium Streams: 4500 * $0.0033 = $14.85

$14.85 / 1.5 = $9.9 Quick Pay ($4.95 Deduction due to royalties fluctuations & financial loss protection)

Quick Pay Royalties: $9.9 (Reported Weekly)

Final Royalties: $14.85 (Reported Monthly)

Final Report Royalties – Quick Pay = $4,95 Missing -> Reported Into Wallet Monthly

Total Payout: $14.85